This handsome 4"x 6" bonus pack contains three inner packets of heirloom seeds with complete growing instructions. $6.29 Includes: multi-colored Earth Tones Dent Corn, Rattlesnake Beans to twine up the corn stalks and Sugar Pie Pumpkins to cover the ground. | |||
Growing a Three Sisters Garden is a wonderful way to feel more connected to the history of this land, regardless of our ancestry. Read more in Renee's article "Celebrate the Three Sisters", with complete historical and planting information. Doesn't this look like a fun combination to grow!
Check out Renee's Garden and start planning your garden! Her seeds are also available at Edward's here in Boise and Andrews Nursery in Ontario! That way you could save on shipping! Happy Gardening and Happy Super Bowl Sunday, Lissa |
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Thursday, September 16, 2010
" A Pocket Full of Produce"
"Ring around the rosies, a pocket full of posies (produce), ashes, ashes..... This is one of my favorite nursery rhymes and game to play with little ones.
I always head out to the garden first thing in the morning (or afternoon) depending on when I wake up for the second time (I confess that I get Davis off to school and mostly go back to bed for awhile). Anyhoo, I love to wear my vintage housedresses as they are cooler and as you can see from the picture (quite handy). The pockets work great for carrying various and assorted produce harvested from my garden! If I remember, I do carry out my vintage looking trug to gather the veggies in also as sometimes my pockets are too small! This has been a strange year for gardening - almost everyone has complained of lack of tomatoes (both green and red). My vines don't even have very many tomatoes (the tomatoes that are there are just beginning to ripen)! It has been an unusual year for flowers also - lots of greenery not as many blooms! The petunias form little buds that dry up before they bloom! The good thing about gardening - it is always an adventure and if something doesn't work one year you can try something else the next year! Happy Harvest everyone!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
More Garden Pics
Friday, June 18, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Am I Insane or Just Plain Crazy?

I can't decide if I am a crazy gardenhead bordering on insane or an insane gardener bordering on crazy! Yesterday I planted the rest of my three vegetable gardens and then Hal and I tilled up our back area around our raised vegetable beds - put down weed barrier - hauled in 1 1/2 yards of shredded bark and spread it all out - we were doing this in the dark until 11:00 p.m. at night! We ran out of wire stakes so I bent wire and made my own. I then got up today and after mopping my kitchen and bathroom floors and doing two loads of laundry and watching my cute great nephew Benjamin for an hour and a half or so.... I then decided to tackle my corner front flowerbed - I completely dug and weeded the whole thing and bought some marked down perennials - I am going to plant a peony and two roses to add to the 3 roses, valerian and lavender already in there and then I have a bunch of other plants to put in! I am dog tired and hopefully will have the energy to complete my project tomorrow! I gardened my little head off so now you can just call me Lissagarden! Get it! ROFL!!! This is a picture of the largest tallest hollyhock I have ever seen - it was at my base house in California - that is one thing I miss about California - the weather is so awesome you can have a full grown garden in one year!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
What is it?
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